If we had gone to the government two days later, our building plans and existing structures wouldn’t have been approved.
That’s how our building engineer explained it to us. In a meeting yesterday, we learned just how critical prayer had been in our building process. Any logical means of understanding the approval process would lead to the conclusion that we wouldn’t have been approved, but we were approved. And, better than just getting approval, we got approval without any corrections needed.
The engineer explained to Robert Horton that approval is rare and that approval without needed corrections is impossible. It just never happens. When the engineer left his last meeting with Robert before the inspection, he knew we wouldn’t be approved. But, as they left, Robert looked at him and said, “We have people praying for this.”
It seemed to our engineer like a nice sentiment, the kind of thing that you hear and nod your head at, not wanting to burst anyone’s bubble. But, yesterday, the engineer knew it was more than just a nice sentiment. The prayers had been a real force in our getting approval. What he had seen happen was a miracle. He told us that, due to some changes in government procedures, our plans would have been denied if they had been submitted two days later.
Two days was all the time that stood between our approval and having to start over again. But that wasn’t all. Your prayers and a God who knows the plans He has for our lives stood in that space and made a way for our building to continue, made a way for this community to see all the plans He has for them.
Beautiful testimony of God’s Hand moving to work HIs Will in spite of opposition from evil forces!!
Hallelujah!! ❤️❤️❤️
It was amazing to see everything come together. We are so grateful that God saw this project through another obstacle.