Bright Hill Collective has been working in the same community in El Salvador since 2004. We love this place, the people, the opportunity we’ve had to become a part of this community and the lives of our neighbors there. Working in the same area for so long means that we get to see neighborhood children grow up and see lives changing for the better, not just for one brief moment but over a lifetime.
How We Do It

Bringing the word of God through Bible studies, weekly worship services, and vacation Bible school

Providing children with a challenging, Christian education that will transform their lives and the future of the community

Building safe homes for our neighbors to live and raise their families in

Creating ways and offering training for women to support themselves and their families

Learning from and working with the Salvadoran people to make real, lasting change

Building up a strong community that will outlast our time in El Salvador
Bright Hill's main ministry focus is a small community outside of San Salvador, El Salvador. Working in the same area since 2004 means that we've been part of this community's past and present and that God has allowed us to see the ways in which He works through community members to raise up leaders who will help shape the community's future. We get to know the neighborhood children and their families, experience life with them, and, with each trip there, become even more amazed and inspired by the deepening faith all around us.
Our ministry in El Salvador has many branches, all working with our Salvadoran neighbors to strengthen different aspects of the community and to bring more opportunities for educational, economic, and spiritual growth.

We visit El Salvador for the first time to see if a piece of land was suitable to build an orphanage on. We expected to go there only once. Spoiler Alert: God had other plans.
After that trip, Bright Hill Collective is established and becomes a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
We raise funds and purchases 12 acres of land outside San Salvador. By the end of 2004, it’s obvious that we’ll be taking more than one trip to El Salvador
We start taking other people to El Salvador and host SHIP’s first mission trip to El Salvador.
We build relationships and make friends in El Salvador.
Bright Hill owns 12 acres of lush, rugged land, but building and fundraising go so slowly that we start to wonder if we’d misunderstood God’s call to build. Spoiler Alert #2: We’d heard correctly. God would make a way.

Bright Hill’s land had a tenant—the land’s caretaker and his family. Our first construction-focused mission trip? Building a new home for that family, a family that became our lifelong friends.
When a trip attendees’s heart was touched after meeting four recent high school graduates who lived at the current orphanage and couldn’t afford to go to college, a scholarship program was born.
SHIP raises funds and purchases 12 acres of land outside San Salvador. By the end of 2004, it’s obvious that we’ll be taking more than one trip to El Salvador
The building progress moves slowly. Many times, we wonder if we’ll ever see kids living in these facilities.
While on our Summer 2010 trip, we learn that building completion is crucial. If the buildings aren’t completed in a matter of months, many of the children at the orphanage will be sent to state-run orphanages.
We affectionately refer to that trip as “The Worst Mission Trip Ever.”
We panic. God shows up. A totally unexpected meeting with the mayor of Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador, changes everything and makes building possible. God is good.

Bright Hill finally moves into the property we bought in 2004. Remember when we said God would make a way? Well, He did.
We wanted to be good neighbors, so we went to work repairing neighbors’ roofs, painting homes, and facilitating neighborhood cleanup.
Then we began the search for clean water.
SHIP received a grant from Rotary Club International, Rotary Club of Aggieland, and Santa Tecla Rotary Club, El Salvador, to drill a well that could supply clean water to our facilities and the community.
A primary and secondary school scholarship program begins! We provide six neighborhood students with scholarships to attend safe, private Christian schools.
We continue repairing homes and becoming a part of the neighborhood.

Our facilities and the surrounding community get access to clean, safe drinking water.
Bright Hill Shop El Salvador opens, offering economic opportunity to neighborhood women.
The scholarship program keeps growing, and we send 13 additional students to private school and provide them with tutoring.
Bright Hill works with community members to make local homes safer. Those kids we send to private school? They’re some of our biggest helpers.
Vacation Bible School becomes part of each Bright Hill trip.
A sewing ministry starts. Women learn a trade to help support their families

SHIP’s scholarship and tutoring program officially becomes sponsorSHIP and begins connecting sponsors with their sponsored students through letters.
We celebrate our first baptism.
Bright Hill hosts our first conference for Salvadoran pastors.
Outreach services, Bible studies, and Vacation Bible School keep growing and reaching more of our neighbors.
The idea to start our own school is brought up again and again, but we say we’ll never do that. Spoiler Alert #3: God had other plans. We were about to start a school.

In January 2019, Bright Hill opens a school, Escuela Luz de Jesús, which serves students ages four to six, with plans to add one grade level per year. In November of that same year, we celebrate our first graduating class of kindergartners.
Our sponsorship program now sends more than 85 children to private, academically challenging Christian schools and provides after-school tutoring for them.
We begin building a three-story classroom building.
To date, Bright Hill has awarded university scholarships to 13 students, several of whom have already graduated.