We’ve been out of the office and have missed getting to tell you everything that’s happening here at SHIP. Now that we’re back in the office, we have a lot of work to do but a lot of things to be grateful for. Here is what we’re praying about and thanking God for this week:
- Pray for our students who are starting school this month. The picture above is one of our favorites. It was taken during the first year of our school being open. Those little guys just finished Kinder-6 and are moving to first grade in just a few weeks. The new school year is almost here. We love that we’ve gotten to see friendships grow, families become stronger, kids and their parents come to know Christ. Please pray for these little ones that our school will be a place that builds them up and teaches them lessons they’ll carry throughout their lives. Pray that our students will encourage one another and that they’ll form friendships that will help them grow in faith.
- Give thanks with us that people have given so generously to help us continue this work. We have been so blessed by all of you. The end of year giving that we’ve received will be a huge help as we move into this new year. We always have expected expenses, but somehow unexpected expenses manage to present themselves. (Over the past couple of years it’s looked like this: Surprise! The price of lumber has gone up. And the price of concrete blocks…and the cost of everything you need to build a school or to help repair homes. Fortunately, we’ve been helped both by donations and by people who, knowing that prices would rise, have let us know to expect those price hikes. God has been faithful, and our work has not had to stop.)
Thank you all for your prayers and support!
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