It’s hard to believe that we’re over a week into this new year. It’s even harder to believe that the Salvadoran school year starts in just over a week. SHIP’s students head back to class on January 18, and this year, we’ll be providing education for 137 students.

Those students’ grade levels go from Kinder-4 to university. We started providing educational opportunities for children when we learned how dangerous the public schools were in our Salvadoran neighborhood. Students going to the public schools faced the threat (and the temptation) of gang life. Once in a gang, they had almost no escape.
We knew that the best way for them to stay out of the gangs was to put them in safer schools. Having a way to avoid gang life and getting an education could change the trajectory of a student’s life. It could also change a family even beyond the current generation. More than just changing a family’s economic situation or making them safer, putting students in solid Christian schools had the potential of making changes of eternal significance.
That’s why we we’re praying for all of our students–from the youngest to the oldest–that they would go to school each day and learn that they are loved by God. We pray that will take that message home to their families. We pray that their families will radiate that love throughout their communities. We pray that generations will be transformed by God’s work through our students.
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