Welcome to the Monday Tuesday Minute. The week started off hectic, so we’re a day behind. But, no worries. All is well at the SHIP office. We’ve just entered a time when everything happens all at once! Please pray for our sanity and productivity.
Here is what we’re praying about this week:
- Pray for our fundraiser planning. We haven’t been able to have a true in-person fundraiser since 2019. We’re getting ready for this upcoming fundraiser (scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, at the College Station Hilton. You’re invited!!!). The fundraiser always has a LOT of moving parts–table hosts, invitations, speakers, tons of planning. We could use prayer that God will do the work that needs to be done (and that we will be up for the challenges). Also, if you’d like to be a table host or have any interest in volunteering/helping, feel free to reply to this email. We’d love to have some help!
The photo above is of one of our kids. It’s a few years old. You might have seen it before, but that’s okay. The little girl in that photo started Kinder-5 with us, and she’s still a student at our school. One of the greatest blessings of this work is seeing these little ones grow up and knowing that they have a school where they are challenged to learn, loved by their teachers, and prayed for daily. That’s why the fundraiser feels so important. We want to be able to continue the work.
- PRAISE God for His faithfulness during the time since our 2019 fundraiser. For a nonprofit, going this long without hosting an annual fundraiser is a little terrifying. All our work could have stopped. We could have run out of funds to pay salaries or fund our school. But God was faithful. We had just the right people in place to continue the work in El Salvador, and people still gave. The work continued, and all the glory is God’s.
Excited about the annual fundraiser!!
Count us in to sponsor a table!
Praying for this event to be a HUGE success!
We have lost several of our faithful attendees – either to sickness or death!
Praying for God to sent new replacements!!
We can’t wait to see y’all there!!! 🙂