We want to show you one of the ways God is doing a new thing in El Salvador through one of SHIP’s programs: Women’s English Class. Started by Noralee Moore, this class takes place after Women’s Bible Study and offers a place for women to learn English at no cost. Like the picture above, this class is filling up with women excited to learn God’s Word and to learn a new language. In this community where so many families are supported by women, knowing English opens up many possibilities for careers and can be a spring of hope for our neighborhood families.
Our Women’s Bible Study continues to grow, and we look forward to expanding our English classes as well. Currently we need $750 to grow this ministry. This would provide women with ESL (English as a Second Language) curriculum, a printer for duplicating worksheets, paper, notebooks, a larger whiteboard, and a few other classroom essentials. One huge blessing is that the curriculum is a one-time purchase, meaning that we’ll be able to use it for years to come.
If you would like to be part of this positive change, please click here and choose to make a one-time gift. PayPal will provide a space to write a note; just type in “ESL Classes.” You can also donate via cash or check; just give us a ring at 979.260.7447 to set it up. We have been so blessed to see the growth in this ministry and in the lives of the women who take part in it. We would love you to join us in this ministry.
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